These are the orders issued by the creature of Allah, Ali, the son Abu Taalib (a) to Maalik, the son of Ashtar when he appointed Maalik as the Governor of Egypt to collect Zakat there, to combat the enemies of Islam and Egypt, to work for the welfare of its people and to look after its prosperity.
I order you, Maalik, always to keep the fear of Allah in your mind, to give priority to His worship and to give preference to obeying His Commands over every other thing in life, to carefully and faithfully follow the commandments and interdictions as are given by the Holy Book and the traditions of the Holy Prophet (s) because the success of a man to attain happiness in this world and in the next depends upon these qualities, and a failure to achieve these attributes brings about total failure in both the worlds.
I order you to use your head, heart, hands and tongue to help the creatures of Allah because the Almighty Allah holds Himself responsible to help those who sincerely try their best to help Him. Allah has further ordered you to keep your desires under control, to keep yourself under restraint when extravagant and inordinate yearnings and cravings try to drive you towards vice and wickedness because usually your 'self' tries to incite and drag you towards infamy and damnation unless the Merciful Lord comes to your help.
بسم رب الشهدا والصدیقین
جعفر بن ابی طالب، کنیهاش ابوعبد الله، پسر عموی پیامبر صلیاللهعلیهوآلهوسلم، برادر حضرت علی علیهالسلام،
و از شهدای بزرگ صدر اسلام.
مادرش، فاطمه بنت اسد بنهاشم، نخستین زن هاشمی بود که با مردی هاشمی، یعنی ابوطالب، ازدواج کرد [۱] [۲]و به ترتیب چهار پسر به نامهای طالب، عقیل، جعفر و علی به دنیا آورد که فاصله زمانی میان هر کدام ده سال بود. [۳] [۴]
جعفر بن ابی طالب بیست سال پس از عام الفیل (۵۷۰ میلادی) در مکه به دنیا آمد. [۵]
هنگامی که در مکه خشکسالی شد و ابوطالب دچار مضیقه مالی گردید، به پیشنهاد پیامبر، عباس بن عبدالمطلبنزد برادرش ابو طالب رفت و جعفر را به خانه خود برد و کفالتش را برعهده گرفت. جعفر همچنان نزد عمویش ماند تا اینکه اسلام آورد و بعد از وی بی نیاز شد. [۶] [۷]
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